7 Things Everyone Must Have in Their Mechanic's Tool Boxes

Whether it is a canopy toolbox on your UTE or a static tool box in your garage, there are some things that every person must follow as a rule. Aside from maintenance, safe storage of items, and safety of the person working with these items, there are some tools and items that every tool box must have inside.

Looking for the perfect storage for UTEs or a static tool box for your garage means you must know what you will store inside. The tool box or UTE canopy is only good if it can store the items you need. If you need to transport a lawn mower daily in your UTE, a small canopy is simply not good enough.

But, what are the items that every tool box must have? What are the tools you should never leave your storage box without? That's what we're discussing here - what are the seven tools that every mechanic's tool box must have inside? Keep reading and find out.


Every item fixing starts with unscrewing the screws on top of it. You can't do anything without this first move. The only way to do it is by using the screw. There are many different types of screws, thus, different types of screwdrivers.

Some people will use one battery-induced machine that does everything by just switching the heads, but others prefer a manual screwdriver. It's best to have both options because when there's no power, you'll need to do the labour yourself, and you can always rely on your hands and strength.


A great hammer means control over any situation. What a hammer's hit can do, rarely any other tool can. Sometimes you just need to use force to get the job done. The only thing is that there are different sizes and types of hammers depending on your need.

Sometimes you might need to gently give something a push, so a rubber hummer is needed. Get all kinds and always have them in your toolbox to ensure success in every situation.


So many different pliers are available, and they all have their purpose. The pliers are probably the number one item when you're thinking about what to get for the tool box and what you can't miss out on. They are so versatile and vital for your mechanic's tool box.

Whenever you need to hold something tight, you will need the pliers. You can't always use the clamp, as not all projects allow a wide operating area. The pliers will do the job without too much hustle.

Spirit levels

It's crucial to have things perfectly levelled. A spirit level that will show you if something's not perfectly placed is essential in your tool box. Our naked eye can't see precisely if something's off half a degree, but this may be important in many cases.

Various spirit levels are available on the market. Small ones will show you perfectly if you're using a tiny area of work, but you will need something else for wider items. Have at least two spirit levels with different sizes and roles.

A torch

How many times did you have to work at night? It's not as easy as daylight, of course; if it is entirely dark, it is impossible to do any work. You might help yourself with the smartphone's flashlight, but that's not the best idea.

The best idea is to get a professional torch or lamp to do the job. Different types of torches are available depending on where you're working and how you're working. Get at least two - one that is traditional, and you'll hold it in your hand, and another one that illuminates without anyone's help.

Measuring tape

How will you ever know the size and the length of particular items without measuring them? In mechanics, precise numbers of items are everything. You must know the diameter, length, and height if you want to do a great job.

Always have a measuring tape inside the tool box. Every project starts with ideas and thinking about the outcome. This is why the measuring tape may be the most valuable item in the tool box.

First-aid kit

Someone might argue that the first aid kit does not belong inside the tool box, but is there a better and safer place for it? If you're working on something with so many tools and items, chances are you'll get hurt at least once.

Most issues go by with a scratch or something insignificant, but sometimes it may be serious. That's when the first-aid kit is mandatory, and is there a better place to keep it than the same place where the tools are? Have a fully-equipped first-aid kit, and always be prepared for anything.

Author: Dean Peechiari Date Posted: 19 September 2022